If you've tried to get a hold of me this week, you probably either been ignored or have heard me apologize profusely for not being able to talk as soon as I pick up. This past week was pure insanity. While this doesn't seem to be my heaviest workload since I've been at CCS, it has been the most frustrating semester so far. I feel like I'm constantly doing, never producing much of anything and never having what I fully need when class comes. It's mind-boggling and extremely distressing. Oddly, it seems to be in the air as the majority of my (graphic design) classmates feel the same way. A lot of us have 4, even 5 studios and it seems to be clawing at our souls. In any case, today Stacey suggested that we take a break and go drive around for a bit because it was an absolutely BEAUTIFUL day out and there really isn't anything more depressing than being cooped up on a gorgeous fall day. Sooooo we took a break and headed to Belle Isle to play in the leaves and sand. Hopefully if I didn't get a chance to call you back this week(end), this will tide you over for a bit because there is no true end in sight for this busyness!
ENJOY, cause we sure did! :)
A beautiful day on the CCS campus :)
On our way
Very typical Stacey face
Such a nice day!!!!
Gorgeous Detroit (betcha don't hear that one too often!)
We found an off-road woodsy area to play in!
My beautiful roomie!
We decided we could take senior pictures for a living if this graphic design thing falls through :P
So Friday night, I'm playing soccer in the gym with a bunch of friends. At some point, this conversation occurs:
Pat: "Oh did you know I'm going skydiving tomorrow?" Me: "Uhhh..NO?!" Pat: "Wanna come?" Me: "....YES!"
Another one of our friends, Ian, also went with us. And the rest is history........
Driving there...
This is the place!
Cool signs and pics....
signing our lives away...
Pat getting all ready with his Santa Claus instructor :)
Ian and I ready to go!
The group :)
This is Dave. He was awesome!
On the plane...
Getting nervous!! Some guy did a low height jump and had just literally ran out of the plane.
I was too nervous to do anything but grin widely.
Patrick did not take my route, but let his fear show all over his face hahahaha
He jumped first!
The wind is so epic
And the chute is released
safely on the ground :)
Weeeeeeee. This was the only part that I was truly scared. Just the initial reality of freefalling toward the earth. I "screamed" (you can't actually project any sound when you're falling that fast) for about 4 seconds before I realized how effing cool it was and began to enjoy myself :D
I'm flying!
Thumbs up!
This is SO COOL!!!
Weeeeee! You can't tell but he started spinning us around and around...I got pretty nauseated but it was too cool to stop hahaha
Just chilling, no big deal ;)
look at the curve of the earth.....SO AMAZING!
How many people can say they high-fived their cameraman while freefalling 120mph+? EPIC HIGH FIVE!!!!!!!
Last few seconds of freefall...
Letting the chute go!
Bye, bye cameraman :)
Coming in to land...
We're on the ground!
Video of my jump!! First 2 minute are just their stock intro so you can skip it and get to the good stuff! :)