Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Portfolio Site....

So I had a lot of career/portfolio review and one of the biggest comments I got was that they all loved my work, but hated how I presented it. Soooooooo, I worked this weekend and redid my site. It's essentially the same but much simplier which makes it not only load faster, but work more efficiently and effectively in other browsers than just firefox and chrome. Take a look and enjoy! It's also got one project up that I didn't have up there before.


In other news, I got two interviews for internships!!!! :) One is for a company in new york city and the other is for a small studio in ann arbor. i have a phone interview with the NYC one tomorrow....very nervous!! And I'm going into the ann arbor studio a week from friday. Wish me luck!


  1. I love it! It's easy to see your beautiful work. I'm so glad you have interviews -- keep me posted!

  2. Sooooooooo proud of you!!!!
    xxoo =)

  3. I LOVE your updated website!! It's great!

  4. Love the site~much less confusing to navigate. I do see a problem with the "about" page~it cuts off your text. Only see 1 line in Opera, and a few in IE. Yay on your interviews--good luck!
