Saturday, April 23, 2011


Hi guys. It's finals. It's crazy. I have stuff to talk about and pictures to post but that will all come eventually.

The past two weeks have been all work and nearly no play and this is essentially the face I carry 24/7:

It's my "I've been staring at the computer for 13 hours straight now" face. It won't leave until about two weeks from now. But we truck on!!

quick internship update:

had 3 interviews now and have 2 more to come:

interbrand: nyc, still waiting to hear back. not my favorite type of work (branding), but obviously in a cool place/good experience
mcguffin: chicago, really really wanted this. they hired someone else. pretty sure they were looking for seniors they could hire straight out of the internship. they told me to report back when i graduated. i liked them a lot.
substance: chicago, pretty cool job, mine if i want it, unpaid :(
q ltd: ann arbor, interview may 2, could be cool to be back in a2 but was kind of hoping to explore
the royal order: chicago, interview next thursday, really really cool place, very much hoping they like me and offer me something, my #1 choice as of now

if i don't get anything for the summer, i'm pretty set on doing deprogram which is 3 weeks in july in the netherlands with the head of the graphic deisgn department at my school. i get credit for a class and it's awesome. you stay in den haag and work with a studio there (the guy who runs it is in my history of graphic design textbook from this semester) and do a project. you travel around the netherlands and visit other studios and famous designers and also take a trip to paris. two of my best friends from school did it last summer and loved it. i really wanted to do this last summer but had already planned my other europe trip before i found out anyone was going. so as an alternative to an internship it would be pretty kickass.

anyway, wish me luck on everything and i'll talk to you all after this storm is over :)

happy easter!


  1. Good luck and the alternative plan sounds good


  2. Chicago sounds awesome as does the Netherlands!

  3. Good luck with everything! Any of those plans sound like it would be really cool.

  4. Sure hope you get the Chicago one since that's your fav - sounds great, be sure to contact the other place next year!! =)
    P.S. - if you go to the Netherlands though you'll have to learn to spell "The Hague" the English way if ya want us 'mericans to understand!! =P xxoo
