Thursday, January 26, 2012


Hi all! I went to Oceanside, CA to meet up with some Mrazfriends (some is an understatement!) It was a blasty blast!

We stayed at a ballerhouse with three stories and two BIG balconies...
That overlooked the ocean...
we did yoga...
played games...
hung out at Jitters...
where we ate delicious food...
in our living room we listened to friends sing their faces off...
we danced...
and we took lots and LOTS of pictures on the beach...

Despite being gimpy it was awesome! :)


  1. Love your pictures! So glad you had a good time!

  2. Wow super awesome, but...aren't you ever in school?? The beachhouse looks gorgeous and I'm sure you can't beat that view! Cute yoga & beach pics. I'm going to tell Chloe not to feel sorry for your gimp leg anymore--she keeps mentioning it, but 4 airplane rides and a couple vacas later, its got to be fine. :P

  3. Looks amazing -- so glad you had a ton of fun. Love you!

  4. Sooo many good friends.
