My past month(ish) in bullets:
- Went home for thanksgiving!! It was so so so nice to see some family! For pics of this go see Nino's blog!
- Came back to school
- Homework
- ....More homework
- Went to the market! Got fruit!
- Homework :(
- Can you guess what comes next?
....So that was less exciting than I was hoping. Essentially, I have less than a week left of this semester and I'm somewhere between panic, crisis, and inner peace. It's liberating to know I won't have any homework for three weeks, and terrifying that I have less than 6 days to complete everything I need to do which at this point consists of:
(more bullets)
- one final book, all content created by me including pictures, hand-bound.
- two process books, which have to be organized, cut and bound
- one logo project which has to be applied to a complete line of stationary with an extra application (a calendar in my case) all printed and mounted
- a working mobile app (working as in conceptually working interfaces in flash, not actually coded to work on a phone)
- two essays for history of modern design class as well as studying for a written exam
- final edited video of an interview for a mini-documentary
In any case, this is the 4th night in a row of 5 hours of sleep or less and definitely will not be the last. However, despite how little sleep I get in the next 6 days, I will be able to sleep indefinitely on break and I have plans to freaking hibernate.
ANYWAY, now that I've thoroughly whined through this blog post, here are some pictures to lighten the mood (mostly taken between the hours of 3am-6am and at hyperactive states of sleep deprivation)