Sunday, November 21, 2010

So I don't have too much time to really explain all that much but I know it's been ages since I blogged so I figured throwing some pictures up would be better than nothing at all :) This next week is Thanksgiving and I couldn't be happier for the break (not that I won't have work to do...but at least I will have some nice famjam time to de-stress to!)

Anyway, here's some highlights from the past few weeks....

Lots of nerdy geeks, a cat, god, a cat, luigi, weezy and a crayon!

Geeky crayon!

Yup. That's Patrick as God. His justification? "It's okay, I'm Catholic."

The rest of the crayons!!

Cute! :)

So Ryan, Phil and Phil's little brother (also a Ryan) came to visit!! We went to the Ben Folds concert, but earlier in the day we decided to go to Somerset (the mall that's really two malls with the super super nice side and the regular side) and Tim Gunn was there from Project Runway!!
They were having a fashion show at the mall. It was crazy! We were wondering why it was impossible to park haha

Waiting outside at the Ben Folds show :)

Inside the venue before the show :)

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Dear Fam

You're my favorites. I love and miss you all so much you can't understand. I've been really, really sad I haven't been able to talk to everyone. I hope I will be able to call each of you by the end of this weekend.

love love love love love you guys. you're all what keep me going!

